Monday, 19 March 2012

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Throughout the making of my media trailer, I used a Internet blogger site. ( )   Using this blogger, I blogged each day that I made progress towards my main product and my ancillary tasks. For my research that I discovered, I used media technology to create a suitable questionnaire. I produced this questionnaire on Microsoft Word.  Also I used the Internet a various amount of times for researching film trailers on you-tube, and pictures of film posters and film magazine posters. Planning my product I also used word throughout. I created various mind maps showing and demonstrating what my ideas were and how I was going to use them in my trailer. Creating this evaluation stage I went back onto my blog and looked over my ancillary tasks and my trailer. I used power point to present my evaluation. Also for the production of my media trailer I began to Cut Shop Pro and became familiar with that but then swapped to Windows Media Maker in which I understood and found easier. All of these 'Media Technologies' that I used throughout the making of my Media Trailer have helped me a tremendous about and will defiantly be using them in future.

                       How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?

My main product and its theme is used throughout my two ancillary tasks. The main actor in my trailer is the victim being chased by the ‘Man in the Mask’. The mask is white and the man has a hooded jumper on which is black. On my magazine cover the main picture is the victim in the mirror with the man in the mask behind her making her jump. You can tell that the Film magazine is linked with the trailer as the man is used throughout. Also in the Film poster, the main picture on the front again is the villain. Again you can tell that the Film poster is linked with the trailer as the same man is used throughout. Also with the film poster and the film magazine cover. Throughout my ancillary tasks the same text and colour schemes are used. This show the combination of the ancillary tasks, and is obvious that they are connected. With the masked man in the magazine cover and on the front of the film poster it shows the continuous characters throughout and how effective they are.
What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

Throughout my making of the my trailer and ancillary tasks, I used two methods of audience feedback. At the beginning I used a questionnaire, which I gave out too 20 people. From the feedback that I received it guided me in the right direction. It helped me a great deal towards making my trailer. From this I could create my trailer to peoples needs, and create it for what they wanted to see. I especially made the questions ‘horror genre’ related, which helped me a tremendous amount. With what the audience feed backed, I took it all into account and based my trailer on the things the expected to see in a ‘horror’ genre trailer.  The second type of audience feedback I collected was feedback on my completed trailer. I learnt that the audience expect the usual conventions of a film trailer. They liked the fact there was the ‘norm’ roles, one villain and one victim. They enjoyed the ‘scary’ music, and they especially liked the story line of the trailer. Therefore using audiences feedback and collecting information from the audience, It helped me to understand what they enjoyed watching, therefore from this I made my trailer from their feedback. All of my audience feedback said that they enjoyed my trailer. Without feedback I would of found creating my trailer very hard as I wouldn't no what people expected and wanted to see.


In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of a real media product?

For my A2 Media coursework, I decided to create a film teaser trailer. Before I could even begin to make my film trailer  have to do a vast majority of research. I researched trailers on the internet (YouTube) and in the cinema. By paying attention to film trailers that I had researched I could use the conventions of these films trailers, into mine. I challenged and developed conventions by again looking at film trailers and using their ideas, but betraying them in my own way, a way which suited my personal film trailer. In a film trailer ‘horror genre’ it is conventional for it to make the audience scared and to make the audience jump. My trailer was targeted at horror so therefore had to make the audience jump, but with this also, I created a sense of eeriness and frightfulness. From this I think personally I challenged forms of conventions of real media. Also in my trailer, I attempt the ‘false sense of security’ which tricks the audience into thinking everything is okay, but suddenly something goes wrong.  I tried my very best to portray this in my Trailer. Also along with my Film trailer, I had to create a film poster and also a front page of a film magazine. I defiantly used media conventions throughout the both of these topics. Again before I to make them I researched and analysed magazines that I owned, magazines that were online and magazines which were in the shops My final Film poster that I created, I think that I challenged the forms of a real media product. For instance, the writing on a film poster is most likely at the bottom of the poster, I decided to put mine at the top of the poster which looked different to most. I also developed conventions of a real media magazine by using one picture as the main background to the poster. Overall I believe that my media product used, developed and challenged forms and conventions of a real media product.

Friday, 9 December 2011

Feedback on our trailer

Today in School me and Jo decided to show our trailer to our friends. We gave them no clue about the trailer, we just asked them to sit down and watch it and give us feedback on it. Here is our feedback which we got:

Hannah: This trailer was really effective. I could definatly see this trailer on the big cinema screen! It also did it's job my making my job! well done girls!

Rachel: The story line to this trailer was really clear and understandle. I liked the bit were the killer was seen in the mirror whilst the victim was looking in the mirror. This was a really clever idea. I really enjoyed this trailer

Sam: I personally don't like horror trailers so I wasnt very interested, but from what I saw it was well thought out and a lot of effort had been put into it! The characters were clear of there character and the music really brought a chill to my spine. Well done

Monday, 5 December 2011

Editing the final bits of our trailer

Today me ad Jo edited the last bit of our trailer. Today it was our challenge to add in all the sound effects, add in fades and effects and also add in music. After housr of work we finally managed to do this. We used youtube and youtube converter for sound effects/music in which we personally emailed the creater of these sound effects/ music to ask them if it was okay to use these in our trailer. Thankfully the creater said yes and we began to add the sounds in. Me and Jo also spead bits up in the trailer and slowed bits down to make it look more effective. Ovreall me and Jo worked hard on editing our trailer and are very pleased with the outcome. the last bit of the trailer we have left to do is create and adveritsing logo at the beginning of the trailer.