Monday, 19 March 2012

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Throughout the making of my media trailer, I used a Internet blogger site. ( )   Using this blogger, I blogged each day that I made progress towards my main product and my ancillary tasks. For my research that I discovered, I used media technology to create a suitable questionnaire. I produced this questionnaire on Microsoft Word.  Also I used the Internet a various amount of times for researching film trailers on you-tube, and pictures of film posters and film magazine posters. Planning my product I also used word throughout. I created various mind maps showing and demonstrating what my ideas were and how I was going to use them in my trailer. Creating this evaluation stage I went back onto my blog and looked over my ancillary tasks and my trailer. I used power point to present my evaluation. Also for the production of my media trailer I began to Cut Shop Pro and became familiar with that but then swapped to Windows Media Maker in which I understood and found easier. All of these 'Media Technologies' that I used throughout the making of my Media Trailer have helped me a tremendous about and will defiantly be using them in future.

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