Thursday, 22 September 2011

Research- Horror teaser trailer 1

As I have decided to make a film trailer based on a Horror genre, I now have to research some Horror trailers off of YouTube.
This  teaser trailer is promoting the film ‘The strangers’. This trailer is very good and leaves me sitting on the end of my seat. The things I like about this trailer is the way at the beginning  it creates a sense of security, showing the man and the women at the beginning all happy and relaxed. You don’t expect anything to go wrong.  I also like the way the shots speed up, this creates tension! Also In this trailer I like the way  the lights are always dark, there’s never a bright scene. Leaving  the lights always dark during the trailer creates an effect of tension  and defiantly leaves me feeling scared! The background song which is a diagetic sound is very clever. As the actors in the film are being watched/tortured by people in mask’s its as if they are being chased. The music played it called ‘Run Rabbit’ which emphasises this, as if the victims are being chased and trying to escape. I like the heading of this film as it again emphasises  the strange people trying to break in and kill the married couple. I will be hoping to use some ideas from this teaser trailer in my own one!

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